FIX : Youtube Black Screen On Chrome | 2018

Fix Youtube Black Screen Chrome – Youtube is one of most famous Video Streaming engine online. Its combo with the Great Chrome browser results in the awesome working. Unlike other Web browsers, Google chrome doesn’t requires any external plugin like Flash player to play streaming videos. It contains an inbuilt Flash player like ability. So, it becomes a handy browser with youtube Videos.fix youtube black screen chrome

From Past few days, I’m facing A new problem that comes to me while using the combination of google chrome and Youtube. The New Problem was, Youtube Black screen error. One of the properties of Fix Youtube Black Screen Chrome  is, that the video screen seems Black and audio still plays in the background. Everything seems struck but smoothly running in the background.

Recently, this problem is bothering most of the youtube users. As, youtube has changed their layout a bit. And, some people, who are not familiar with such new changes are still wanted to go back to their previous changes. So, We’ll talk about fixing this error in the detailed view in the following simple Steps.

How to Fix Youtube Black Screen Chrome ?

The method is so simple that It requires only few steps. You can follow them with me and Fix this problem along with article. Let’s start.

  • Open New Tab and Type the following address in the Address Bar.


  • Now Search for the item named “Hardware-accelerated video decode“.
  • Hit the Disable button and Goto End of the page to apply all changes.
  • You’ll See the changes after Restating the Chrome browser.

Note: Please Don’t modify anything else in the Flags window. As that is an experimental test by the Google Chrome team to test the browser under various circumstances. You’ll get the similar warning on that page too. Playing around with sensitive options there can cost you data loss, privacy issues etc. So, Do  it at your own risk.

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There you go. That’s all you need to do for Fix Youtube Black Screen Chrome. If you find any Problem in any step or you want to suggest any other simpler method. You are most welcome. just post them in the comment field below. And we’ll Try to take actions according to them. Thanks for your time.