5 Myths About Online Dating That Prevent Happy Relationships


Many people think that relationships on the Internet are fundamentally different from those in real life, so they cannot lead to anything good. In fact, this is stereotypical thinking, which has nothing in common with reality. According to statistics, numerous couples have met on the Internet. It turns out that the whole point is not in online communication, but in an open and honest statement to the world about your desire to find love and build a healthy relationship. Subjective fears are also associated with personal negative experiences from the past. This is how numerous myths about online dating appear, that, in fact, they are very far from the truth. Let’s have a look at the five most common myths in this regard.

1. Online dating is dangerous

For most people, this myth has been formed due to a lack of a basic sense of security. When people meet in real life, they may experience only a slight sense of anxiety before the first date. A person relies on what one sees and hears because fantasy during online dating can run wild. Who is on the other side of the screen and do they want to harm you? It is very essential to understand why a person experiences such fear. If it does arise, then you can calmly communicate with the interlocutor, and ask neutral questions that will help you learn more about a new acquaintance. Hobbies, favorite dishes, vacation plans – it is not necessary to immediately have frank conversations about yourself. This is what is important to know before you start dating Ukrainian brides on 

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2. It’s easier to write than to talk

Do not forget that virtual chatting is quite primitive. A person cannot communicate genuinely without hearing, touching, and smelling which are indispensable assistants during dating. Until people see each other on video, they can only rely on written text, and this is only a small part of virtual communication. During live meetings, a person unconsciously reads more than 70% of non-verbal information – facial expressions, gestures, and voice timbre. For the most part, people understand their feelings unconsciously and find out whether they like another person or not. Based on this information, you can understand if your virtual romance has a future.

3. Accurate partner visualization increases your chances

When a person registers on a dating site, he/she already has a specific idea of ​​​​the partner he/she plans to meet. These expectations are based on ideas that are formed under the influence of the family and social environment. Very often they may not be true. As a result, this leads to disappointment, and the acquaintance ends before it even starts. Therefore, you do not need to plan everything in advance. Gradually study the other person, their reactions and statements, based on existing facts, and only then make any conclusions.


4. Online dating won’t lead to a serious relationship

The most common myth about dating sites says that it is impossible to build a serious relationship in this way. Moreover, this stereotype only intensifies when meeting online, because many believe that men basically need only sex. But in reality, this is not the case. Everyone needs sex, and it is an integral part of any serious relationship, just like an emotional connection.

In addition to sex, every person, regardless of gender, requires support and strong relationships, which can be very difficult to build due to some childhood traumas experienced. If a person always attracts partners who are not ready for serious relationships, then, most likely, he is driven by an unconscious fear of relationships. Perhaps it is based on the unsuccessful marriage of the parents, which leads to an internal conflict: on the one hand, you want a relationship, and on the other, run away from them, choosing partners only for self-satisfaction.

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5. Getting to know a new partner takes up all your time

It is necessary to decide how much a person really needs a relationship at the moment. Maybe finding love is not the desire of the person, but an imposed social stereotype. And such a person is ready for anything so that relatives at a family dinner stop asking: “When will you find a girlfriend?” This myth is more like an excuse, and not that a person is really scared away by the process of finding a partner. How much time should be spent communicating with the opposite sex, the person decides on one’s own. If he/she admits that he/she deliberately refrains from any kind of relationship, then perhaps dating sites are not the right place for this person now.

In conclusion

Many people dream of finding their soulmates through online communication. Very often, a successful acquaintance on social networks and a few pleasant dates can greatly increase self-esteem and give a powerful boost to self-confidence. The main thing is to listen to your heart, which will definitely tell you the right decision and help find happiness.