How to Fix Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error Chrome Browser ?

How to Fix Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error Chrome Browser ?
How to Fix Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error Chrome Browser ?

Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error: We all use Google Chrome browser for our everyday internet use. However, it is not the ideal internet browser because it shows many errors while browsing the web. One of the most common error is Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error. Today in this very particular article, we are going to talk about Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error in detail. We will also guide you on how to fix Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error in your chrome browser. So stay tuned and keep reading until the end.

Are you using Google chrome browser and frequently facing Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error while surfing the internet. Well, worry no more, because today we are going to help you fix this error. Now, this is a very common error with Google Chrome. This error usually appears when ever you are trying to access Yahoo, Facebook, Gmail or Youtube. Moreover, you are not alone who is facing this issue. And that is why we will help you to fix this issue in this article.

What is  Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error?

Fix Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error Chrome Browser
Fix Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error Chrome Browser

Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error is a pretty common SSL error which only appears in modern browsers. It is because the SSL handshake fails while accessing a particular website. Moreover this error only appears while using Chrome browser. So if you are using any other browser, let’s say, Opera or Safari, then you won’t be seeing this error.

Now, this error commonly appears with an encrypted link, i.e. https links. Some common websites include Gmail, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter etc. This happens because of lack of server response to poor internet connectivity. But don’t worry, because today we are going to fix this error.

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How to Solve the Err_spdy_Protocol_Error?

There are numerous different ways to fix this error. But today we are going to start with basic and simple ones who will get your job done. So follow the instructions carefully for each method.

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1. Clean the Google Chrome Cache

If you are facing this error for the first time, then the chances are that it is because of incorrect cache files. Now you can easily fix this via deleting all the cache files. Down below are the steps you need to follow to fix Err_spdy_protocol_error in your chrome browser.

1. Restart your chrome browser on your PC or Laptop.

2. Click on the three-dot menu from the upper right corner of your screen.

3. Select more tools rom the menu and choose clear browsing data from the drop down list.

Fix Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error Chrome Browser
Fix Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error Chrome Browser

4. This will open a new pop up window. This window will have two different options for cookies and cache.

5. Now select how much data you need to delete. You can choose, cache, autofill form data, cache etc.

6. Once you are done, click on clear browsing data and thats it,

2. Check the Antivirus Settings

If you are using any antivirus or anti defender software on your system, then this error might be caused by them. First of all, you need to disable your antivirus program followed by windows defender. Down below are the steps which you need to follow to disable your antivirus.

1. First of all, open your antivirus software program.

2. Now your antivirus dashboard will open. Find the main settings page and disable https option. Now, this option might be different like internet protection. So just disable it.

Fix Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error Chrome Browser
Fix Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error Chrome Browser

3. Now scroll down untill you find a setting for URL options. Enter the url of the page which you are facing problem accessing.

4. After successfully adding the website, hit enter and save the settings.

5. Thats it, you have successfully saved the setting. Now hopefully you won’t be seeing Err_spdy_protocol_error in your chrome browser.

3. Run the Chrome Cleanup Tool

If the problem still persists, then you can try the new Chrome cleanup tool. This is a small tool which makes it easier to clean cache, cookies and other temporary files in one single click. Follow the steps below to use Chrome cleanup tool.

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1. Click here to download the Chrome Cleanup tool.

2. Once the download is complete, open the Chrome cleanup tool.

Fix Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error Chrome Browser
Fix Err_Spdy_Protocol_Error Chrome Browser

3. Follow the onscreen instructions and clear cache and cookies form your browser in one single click.

So, guys, these were some of the best methods to fix Err_spdy_protocol_error in your chrome browser. Now if you are facing any problems I these methods then feel free to commend down below. We will be happy to help you out. Till then, thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.