How to Resume Expired/Broken Download in IDM After Shutdown ?

How to Resume Expired/Broken Download in IDM After Shutdown
How to Resume Expired/Broken Download in IDM After Shutdown

IDM is on of the best download manager now that time on the internet and millions of people use IDM as their primary download manager in web browsers. So today we came up with an issue that many of IDM users faced that “How to Resume Expired/Broken Download in IDM After Shutdown?”. This is a very common issue faced by IDM users and today we are going to show you how you can resume your download files in IDM after shutdown. It is pretty amazing and I personally use this IDM Trick many times when downloading movies, songs or other stuff.

No Doubt IDM is the best download manager ever so where the problem is? Most of the time you face this error that you resume or cancel the download and then when trying to resume those download so they say to start from 0%. There is no fault of IDM instead many of website set some limitation on their storage servers that once you can open the downlink post or you just need to download a full file at a time.

If you pause or cancel that download so you are the disconnect from that downloading server and then you need to start that downloading from 0. Today, we solve this IDM problem forever and after reading this post you must use that IDM trick again and again while downloading stuff from the internet.

What is IDM (Internet Download Manager)?

IDM is the best download manager on the internet right now mostly used in windows computers and has million of users. This is used for high speed downloading and use a special mechanism to download files faster like IDM split the download files into parts and start to download those files simultaneously and offer a high-speed download to end users. It accelerates downloading speed to five times faster than a normal download. It is compatible with almost all popular web browsers and easily integrated with browsers.

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First It can store the download server address and start splitting the file and the fetching files from servers. There are more useful features offered by IDM that you can also schedule your download and download many files at once. The Graphic interface if Internet Download manager is pretty good and a noob can also use this tool professionally.

Features of Internet Download Manager(IDM):

  • Support for all popular browsers and applications: IDM provides support for all versions of popular browsers including IE, AOL, MSN, Mozilla, Netscape, Firefox, Avant browser and many others.
  • Advanced Browser Integration Feature: With Advanced Integration Feature you can easily integrate IDM into any internet application to take over downloads
  • Easy Downloading with One Click: When you click on a download link in a browser, IDM will take over the download and accelerate it.You don’t need to do anything special, just browse the internet as you usually do.IDM will catch your downloads and accelerate them.IDM supports HTTP,FTP,HTTPS and MMS protocols.
  • Supports many types of proxy servers: IDM works with Microsoft ISA, and FTP proxy servers.
  • IDM is Multilingual: IDM available in Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijan, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish and Uzbek languages

Steps to Resume Expired/ Broken Download in IDM:

These steps can apply to all types of download such as youtube, Dailymotion or any third party sites. For better understanding, we can show you an example that how you can resume expired downloading in IDM(Internet download manager). Let’s take youtube as an example we can download youtube videos using third party sites So we use (

  1. Now you just go to and paste youtube video URL and start downloading.
  2. After some time you accidentally cancel or pause the download and when you try to resume that download it shows issue like that.

    Resume Expired/Broken Download in IDM After Shutdown
    Resume Expired/Broken Download in IDM After Shutdown
  3. So what we need to do is download the same file from that site and when new downloading start. Just pause that new downloading and (Right Click on that downloading >> Go to Properties >> Copy the link from Address section).

    Resume Expired/Broken Download in IDM After Shutdown
    Resume Expired/Broken Download in IDM After Shutdown
  4. Now after copy, the new downloading address just right click on old expired download and go to properties and replace that new address with old one and click OK button.
  5. Now Right click on an old downloading file and click “Resume Download” option.
  6. Now It can download from that point or percentage where you leave and successfully resume that expired downloading.

In Simple words – You just need to start that downloading again and copy the direct address of the file stored on the server and paste this new address in the old address bar and click OK and then you easily resume that downloading a file from that point where you leave last time. This is really useful IDM tricks of people who use Internet download manager in daily life or use  IDM as their primary download manager on their windows computers.


Above we just demonstrate you the simple way to resume downloading in internet download manager. You can use in your daily life while downloading stuff from internet, youtube or any other third party websites.

If you face any type of problem in this article so guys please let us know in comments and we solve your problem as soon as possible.

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