Easy SEO tips to improve your ranking



SEO is a forever changing area of digital marketing that constantly evolves. Anyone who is into SEO will know that several aspects are entirely different from how they were a few years ago, whilst others have stayed relatively the same. Nonetheless, it is important to consider these practical SEO tips that can improve your ranking.

In today’s time if you want your website to position itself in search engines, it is fundamental to stay updated with changes, tips and tricks to improve your position. 

Positioning a site is becoming increasingly difficult with the passing of time, what worked a few years ago doesn’t necessarily work nowadays. In fact, some practices are now penalized, such as keyword stuffing. With the web increasing in size, the amount of sites out there increases by the minute, which is why it was important to raise the bar when it comes to who gets that spot on the first page. 

This doesn’t mean it’s impossible to position a site, there are great tips and tricks that can greatly help your site. Things have changed, but these new changes also open the possibility to a higher quality that benefits your site, your brand, and your audience’s experience. 

It’s about putting a bit more effort into delivering a better experience. 


If your site is not blogging it will find it increasingly harder to position itself in search engines. Blogging brings a lot more benefits than just increasing user experience. When done right it increases your business’ authority in the market. 

After all, your business is an expert in its niche, and as such your experience, knowledge and input is valuable for readers and to Google algorithms. 

Currently, Google is focusing on quality, and this goes for all aspects concerning a website, from pristine and clean web design, to high-quality blog posts where a problem is being addressed and a solution is presented. At the end of the day, people use Google to solve problems and questions. If you can solve frequently searched questions and problems, then your blog post has a high chance of moving up the SERPs. Visit Here

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Google likes clean website structures and blueprints, users also enjoy visiting a site where everything is properly organized. Make sure that your website has a clean design.

User experience is pivotal nowadays since it reduces bounce rate, which increases your site’s overall quality, thus looking good under Google’s eyes. It’s important that you lay out the information with a clear organization, to allow users an easy and helpful navigation across your site. 

Responsive loading time

A few years ago mobile loading time wasn’t as big of a deal as it is nowadays. Most searches take place from a smartphone, making responsive loading time important to enhance user experience. When it comes to the technical aspect for improving downloading time, there can be a difference from desktop to mobile, but it is worth investing in improving your responsive design as well as loading time.

When addressing your web design needs with an SEO agency make sure to let them know your business goals so they can help you achieve them through an SEO strategy. SEO is not a “one-size fit all”, your business has individual goals and a professional SEO agency can help create a strategy exclusive for your business with your goals in mind. 


A while ago quality wasn’t at the top of the list when it came to positioning a site in a search engine. Nevertheless, Google algorithms have gotten a lot smarter and quality is key when it comes to positioning your site. 

From your web design to your blog posts, make sure that your site is running with top quality.

Your site has a purpose beyond giving basic information to your audience, your site is an expert’s digital space, and as such, it should display expert information and be designed with high quality. This will not only set you apart from your competitors, but it will also help you rank better, and it will increase your user experience.

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Luckily, Scorpion can help optimize website design for home services businesses to gain reputation and trust by taking a tour or viewing their website.

User experience


You might not think that a user’s experience has anything to do with SEO, but it does, nowadays, it does. If a user’s experience is good while visiting your site this is a good indicator that your site is performing well, thus increasing your ranking. User experience and SEO are strongly linked by Google algorithms, a good blog is a great example. 

Today is not just about creating content, but about creating content that is valuable to the reader. Google algorithms measure different aspects of your site, in short, if you’re wondering if Google is going to like your site enough to rank it well, ask your users if they enjoyed your site, this is the best indicator.

You can find popular SEO companies that have a wide experience aiding websites position better in search engines. An SEO company can guide you and implement a strategy that can help your business reach its goals.