Road Safety Rules Every Driver Should Know

Road Safety Rules

The roads are getting more crowded by the day. Traffic laws and guidelines are in place to ensure that vehicles are safe to be driven by citizens. A slight mistake or fault in following traffic norms can lead to serious consequences. If not planned and executed correctly, a small stop can turn into an enormous tragedy. However, it’s a common phenomenon that even though we humans know of many traffic laws, yet most of them tend to forget. Here are a few safety tips and Road Safety Rules for drivers to ensure their safety as well as everyone else on the road:

  • Regulated Speed- Road Safety Rules

Speed is a critical factor in road accidents. Drivers should adjust their speed according to the traffic density, road conditions and weather conditions. The maximum speed limit on urban roads is 50km/h, while that on highways and expressways is 80km/h. When the weather is terrible, drivers should slow down and drive at a safe distance from other vehicles. Driving too fast endangers not only the driver’s life but also increases the risk of injury to pedestrians and other road users. Driver fatigue is another problem brought about by excessive speed. Driving at a moderate speed allows drivers to react quickly in emergencies.

  • Be Alert- Road Safety Rules

An essential tip is always to be alert when driving. You never know what’s ahead, so it’s important to keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the steering wheel at all times. Keep an eye out for any obstacles that may be in your way. If you notice someone going too slow or not paying full attention, give them some space and get around them as soon as possible. If you keep your eyes peeled and remain focused on the road ahead, any sudden changes in traffic conditions can be easily understood and handled very well. Look far enough ahead to anticipate traffic flow changes, such as slowing vehicles or turns. Check your rearview mirrors regularly.

  • Don’t Drink and Drive- Road Safety Rules
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It is better to be safe than sorry because once you sit behind the wheel when drunk, it only takes a moment to cause an accident that could change lives forever or even end them. The effects of drinking can slow down reaction time and impair your vision, making it difficult to judge distances correctly and react quickly. Alcohol affects coordination and judgment, making it difficult to maintain control of the car.

So if you’ve been drinking, it is your responsibility not to drive until you’re sober again. Even if someone else offers to drive your car after consuming alcohol, you are still responsible for whatever happens in case of an accident. If there is no other option and you must go somewhere, call a cab or use public transport.

  • Wear a Seat Belt- Road Safety Rules

Seat belts are fitted in cars as a safety precaution for the driver and other occupants. All the users of the vehicle must wear the seat belt when seated. Wearing a seat belt is one of the best ways to ensure the safety of the passengers as it prevents them from getting thrown out of the car in case of an accident.

The seat belts provide restraint to the passengers and thus, prevent them from hitting their heads or other parts of their body on the dashboard, windscreen, roof or any other aspect of the vehicle. It also plays a vital role in preventing severe injuries when vehicles collide with each other or another object. With seat belts in place, even if a vehicle overturns, there are very few chances that you would be thrown out.

  • Lane Changing

Overtaking other vehicles on the road can be dangerous if not done correctly. When overtaking another vehicle, one must ensure that there are no incoming vehicles from the opposite direction before changing lanes. Also, one must use indicators when changing lanes and avoid overtaking in no-overtaking zones or within 100 meters of a bridge, railway level crossing, or curve where visibility is poor.

  • Always Follow Traffic Lights
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There is a reason why every intersection has traffic lights. Never try to jump signals or barge through the intersection when the signal is red. If you are approaching a yellow light, slow down and prepare to stop, but you can continue if the yellow light is just about to change. Then there are those fancy lights that flash green and red alternatively, which indicate that vehicles in all directions have to STOP. 

  • Know Your Car

Knowing your vehicle is essential not just for efficiency but for safety. You should know the basics of your car and how to perform basic maintenance tasks like checking tire pressure and changing light bulbs. It is also vital that you know your vehicle inside out to understand its capabilities. Understanding how fast you can accelerate, brake, and turn around corners helps prevent incidents like oversteering, understeering, fishtailing, rolling over and getting into a head-on collision. The vehicle you choose may be powerful, but what good is it if you do not know how to use its full potential. You need the proper knowledge before pushing your car to the limit.

  • Carry the Required Documents

It is compulsory to carry the following documents all the time and show them to the policeman on demand during any check: Road Tax Receipt, Valid Insurance Certificate, Valid Driving License, Registration Certificate, PUC (Pollution under control) Certificate.

The Bottom Line

The International Drivers Association is dedicated to promoting safe driving practices and provides safety tips for all drivers. If you are a safe driver, you can apply for an International Driving Permit. This permit will allow you to drive in any country with which your home country has an agreement for mutual recognition of driver licenses.

It’s easy to overlook the importance of road safety in foreign countries. However, it is vital that you know the rules and understands the road signs before you drive on unfamiliar roads. By ignoring local laws and regulations, you put yourself, your passengers and other drivers at risk. You could also find yourself in trouble with the law if you are caught breaking traffic rules, including fines or a possible prison sentence. Police officers enforce road safety laws, so always make sure you know what they expect from you when driving abroad.

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