In a Research It is found that some of the iPhone’s popular apps are sharing and selling user’s precise location data to Third party Monetization services. And, the name of the sharing apps is very familiar, it contains big fishes like ASKfm, Photobucket, homes.Com, Tapatalk, NOAA weather radar, etc.

Apple iPhone Apps Are Selling Your Location for Few Dollars
The research is done by a group of researchers from The security firm guardian app. According to the group, this stolen location information is sent to third-party monetization services like Cuebiq, Sense360, Teemo, Physical, etc. which uses this information for targeting the user with proper ads of their interest. But, somewhere it also becomes a concern of user’s privacy.
When asked, one of the group members explained the situation as in the following words…
“I believe people should be able to use any app they wish on their phone without fear that granting access to sensitive data may mean that this data will be quietly sent off to some entity who they do not know and do not have any desire to do business with”
These apps collect user data and after selling the data to related monetization service. The company provides Related Incentive to the collecting apps company. So, it also helps and forces the app developers to grow their database and collect more and more information about the users.
To prevent your own personal location data from being shared by such apps. All you can do is just go to your iPhone settings and Turn on limit ad tracking Option. There is not much the user can do in such a Scenario. so, this is the maximum we can do at our level.