The best way to block websites- Hey Guys, Are you finding how to block some website on the computer? , you are in the right place here we always trying to help you in the simplest way. As you already read the title of this article that means your’s problem solution is here.
A lot of people are messaging us on Facebook that how can we block some site on our computer, this article only for you guys. If you want to block some website on your computer, you will block easily after reading this article. There are so many reasons, why we might want to block some websites on the computer. As we all face some those site who spreading the virus on your computer, some sites are installed their own toolbar which is so irritating. Some site is trying to steal our data as well.
Most of the time we sit in front of your computer for doing some work but some addictive site attract us like Facebook and we forget all work which we suppose to do. Does it happen with you?

This thing happens to me often. The most important part of the internet is the DNS system that translates numbers into names which are easy to remember like translate of IP address ( In every computer has their file where all the information stored, the name of the file is HOSTS file. You can use this file for blocking harmful websites.
Table of Contents
#1. Block Website On Window Computer
If you are using Mac then scroll down and read how to block the website on Mac. In the window, you need to edit “HOST” file. Below we give you step by step guidance and we are trying our best that you can easily understand how it works.
Step 1. Find “window” Folder
If you don’t find the “windows” folder in C then check on the other drives. C is the most common drive where the “windows” folder exists but if you installed a window in another drive from yourself then check on that drive.
Step 2. Find “etc” Folder
We give you two way to find “etc” folder, choose any one which you can understand easily.
- Double click on “window folder -> System32 -> Drivers -> etc”.
- You need to type this location “C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc” on the top bar of my computer and you can also copy this location and paste on the top bar.
Step 3. Open “HOSTS” file in Notepad
We provide you three way to open “HOSTS” file in notepad. You can choose any one, all are working properly.
- Double click on the “hosts” file and it will show you popup window, select notepad.
- Open notepad separately and drag the “HOSTS” file in notepad.
- Go to start menu and type “command prompt” then type “notepad c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts”.
Step 4. Block Website
In the “HOSTS” file, There are so many text and code but make sure you don’t touch any of it. You just go down to the bottom and make a new line for new code and text. write on the new line and press the space bar then write that website link which you want to block without HTTP://.
For Example: If you want to block facebook the write->
If you want to block multiple sites, simply press enter for new line and do the same which you did above. You can block so many sites, there is no limit of blocking websites. Once you have done save the file and restart the browser. All sites should be blocked on all the browsers which you are using.
#2. Block Website On The Main Network
You want to block a website on the computer that means you have an internet connection in your house. If you want to block some website which spread the virus on the computer and steal your data through your network connection. You can easily block such certain websites via your internet router. All router have their own settings but the basic step is pretty similar to other routers. Follow each step clearly because wrong setting will disconnect your internet connection.
Step1. Firstly you need to visit in your router setting, open your browser and type into the search bar. Some routers are using a different address, so if you know your router address then type in the search bar or search on the internet.
Step2. It will ask you to enter username and password. The default “username = admin” and “password = ‘admin’ or ‘password’”. if it’s not working then check your ISP and get the right username and password.
Step3. For blocking a website, you need to find “access management -> Mac Filter”.
Step4. In Filter section, you need to select URL filter and type the website in URL field which you want to block. There is a two option for activation that is yes or no. select yes and save it.
Note: All router process is same but some have different settings, but If you have a patient then you can do it easily. You can block approximately 260 websites on your network.