How to Fix Unable to Connect to Proxy Server Error in Chrome/Mozilla ?

How to Fix Unable to Connect to Proxy Server Error in Chrome/Mozilla ?
How to Fix Unable to Connect to Proxy Server Error in Chrome/Mozilla ?

Unable to Connect to Proxy Server Error – Computers are very important in this age of machines. So, The knowledge to control and use them becomes an important topic for the discussion. I have come across a common problem among all the Windows users. i.e. Proxy Server Error. This Problem has annoyed me many times. So, Here I’m writing an article about How to Fix Unable to Connect to Proxy Server Error in Chrome/Mozilla. I’ll share all my Secret tricks, that I’ve used to get rid of this problem. So, Let’s have a look at the solution.

Steps to Fix Unable to Connect to Proxy Server Error in Chrome/Mozilla :

I will talk about to Basic fixes that you can apply, whenever you’ll face this problem. They are easy to remember as well as simple. So, Let’s start with the first one.How to Fix Unable to Connect to Proxy Server Error in Chrome/Mozilla ?

Method #1: Browser Settings

In this method, We just need to Open the settings of the related browser. Open your browser and Follow the Following Steps. In most of the cases, this will solve the problem of Proxy server error.

  1. Click on the Icon at the top-right corner of Browser, (If you are using the chrome) with 3 parallel lines.
  2. Click on settings Or find the settings option in your browser (for any Browser).
  3. Scroll down > Open Advanced settings.
  4. Find Change Proxy Settings under Network in the options.
  5. In the pop-up dialogue Box, Click on LAN Settings Button.
  6. In New Pop-up Box, Untick the Ticked options or change the settings accordingly.
  7. Click ‘Ok’ to close both Dialog boxes. Now try to Reload the Pages.
  8. There You go.

This method works out most of the time. The steps may be a problem for the first time. But as you’ll face this problem 2 or 3 times, these steps will automatically get memorise by your awesome brain.

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Method #2: Windows Settings

Sometimes, The problem is not with the browser settings. Your antivirus program can also lead you to this unwanted situation. They sometimes block some websites to get pass through windows default settings, in these cases, you need to fix the windows holes.

  1. Press Windows Key and type “Control panel”.
  2. Open the Control panel and Press F3 from your keyboard.
  3. Now, Type “The Internet“.
  4. Click on the first result, saying “Internet Options“.
  5. Now, Select the Advanced tab from the popped up dialogue box.
  6. Click on the Reset button at the bottom right corner side of the dialogue box.
  7. Open your Internet Explorer.
  8. Now, Try to load the website at it. This method always works.
  9. There you go. You fixed everything.

Most of the times, these problems are nothing but at small lag of knowledge of the user. Once you know, how the things work in the computer. You can easily fix it and save plenty of your bucks.

At last, I hope that you would like this Article. If you are in doubt or you have any query regarding anything related to this article. You can leave a comment below in the comment field. I will try to help you within 24 hours. Thanks.