How to Disabling Instagram from Saving Pictures, Videos in Phone ?

Disabling Instagram from Saving Pictures, Videos

Disabling Instagram from Saving Pictures – Now, Every Youngster uses Instagram App like they use Facebook & WhatsApp in previous to posting their pictures and videos. So, that’s why we came up with some Instagram tricks that may useful for you guys. Especially, Instagram is social media app that is popular for posting images. So Instagram developers put some features by default enable in it. stop instagram saving photos android, iphone

how do i get my pictures to stop saving from instagram? – Like If you post any picture that will be saved in your phone memory too. Instagram save that posted pictures in your local storage So, more pictures and videos consume your phone space. You can use that free space for store more data like songs, videos and other files in android as well as iPhone. Most of the Instagram users still don’t aware about this trick cause they do not take the time to explore the hidden features of Instagram.

This Instagram trick is for those who have android phones with 4GB or less internal storage or people who have enough space to store anything. Most of the users go with it cause there are fewer reasons to save a duplicate copy of images in camera roll or in your phone memory. Just free up that space and store your essential data in it. Instagram is frequently added cool features in it like you can also choose images quality while a uploading picture, Hide Stories from the feed. You can also save shared images locally if you want.

Steps to Disabling Instagram from Saving Pictures, Videos in Phone :

  1. Log in to your Instagram account and first you see the new feed of Instagram.
  2. Now click on your profile located in right bottom corner  and your Instagram profile will be opened.
  3. Click on Three Dots located on a Right top corner and your profile settings appear.
  4. Scroll Down and you see there are two options “Save Original Photos” & “Save Videos after posting”. Just Disable these both options and in futures, you have free space to storage.How to Disabling Instagram from Saving Pictures, Videos in Phone ?
  5. Now, You successfully save your phone’s internal memory space.
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From Editor’s Desk :

There are many tips & tricks about technology many of people not aware about. So we are here to help people over the world that how you can effectively operate technology and use life hacks to do smart work. So Guys, using this Instagram trick(Disabling Instagram from Saving Pictures) you can save memory space of your smartphone and store some other stuff like songs and videos. If you face any type of problem with this article so please comment below. we can solve that problem as soon as possible.

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