Best Ways To Compress Images – Images are a good resource to make your computer screen beautiful. Many of the web pages use Images to attract their audience. But including heavier images in the web page, makes it slower to load. Many of the researchers show that every extra second your web page will take to load results in 7-10% decrease in the traffic ratio on your web page. So, Today I am going to talk about 5 Best Ways To Compress Images. Which will help you out in maintaining your website efficiently?
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5 Best Ways To Compress Images Without Losing Quality:

Although, there are other more easy to used places – where you can easily convert images to your desired format. But, here in this article, I’ve selected few of the best-known methods those will help you in completing your projects faster. Let’s have a look at them one by one.
There are the following 4 methods, that I am personally using to make my articles load efficiently faster. The Ranking is given on the basis of various parameters related to image quality to size ratio.
#1 is on the Top of the list. This is an online image compressing platform. We’ve tested many images from JPG, BMP, SVG to PNG. The software has a tremendous ability to reduce file size, “with the Force of an elephant” (tag-line). You can upload bulk images (up to 20 max.) and download the result in bulk after simple compression from the tool.
#2 Tiny PNG
Tiny PNG is an online platform to reduce the size of your images, with very negligible reduction in image quality. The Platform supports PNG, JPG, and BMP files format to compress. You can upload the file in bulk and download the compressed results in bulk. It can reduce the size of images up to 50% of their original size.
#3 is another online application, which deals with the compressing image files without losing the quality. The main advantage of this compresses is that it can compress images of JPG, BMP, SVG, PNG, Gif etc. You can provide all of the mixed extension images in bulk, and you can download the mixed result in bulk. They also provide their chrome and Firefox extension for making the user experience better.
#4 AdvanceComp
AdvanceComp is a command-line tool to compress your images into efficient quality and size. This can simply be used in batch files and if you are not familiar with command line tools. Then, You need to know that – You can compress all of the files present in any folder just by writing one line of code. This is quite a professional tool for this purpose.
#5 FileOptimizer
FileOptimizer is another windows based tool to compress Images. You can Ctrl + Select all images, and drop them into the program. Then you can apply a bulk option to all of them to reduce the size of Images, without losing much of their quality. The program is also applicable to PDF’s, Exe’s and almost all of the file formats available.
The article is Finished. And, I hope you’ll like this Article. Ask your doubts or you have any query related to article, in the Comment field below. I will personally reply to solve your queries. Thanks.