Top 10 Best Educational Apps For iPhone | 2017

Best Educational Apps For iPhone

Best Educational Apps For iPhone – Education is an enlightening experience. People need the education to prepare them for work and for living fulfilling lives. Education provides a broad base of knowledge that teaches people about the world around them. It can also teach them valuable critical thinking skills. Education and knowledge are the most valued things in today time.Best Educational Apps For iPhone

Modern day technology helps us make education more interactive and easier to learn. The availability of education apps opened new doors in the field. So we here will tell you about the best educational apps for iPhone.

List of Top 10 Best Educational Apps For iPhone :

We do realise the need for education, you may want your children to learn and be knowledgeable at an early age. There are many apps to choose from but here you’ll only find the best educational apps listed for your iPhone.

1.) Itunes U

Apple’s own application provides everything an instructor needs to bring the classroom together eg: Building lessons with apps and your own materials, collect and grade assignments from students, start class discussions or talk with students one-to-one to answer questions and provide feedback. The app has l world’s largest collection of free education content, which includes public courses, and collections from leading schools, universities, museums and cultural institutions. It is both for instructors and students. Students can take down notes, view assignments, ask teachers one on one doubts and much more. Must say the app is one of the best educational apps out there.

2.) SkyView® – Explore the Universe

Explore the mighty skies, Real-time interactive application to have a look at constellations, planets, satellites and more. It gives you information about every star or satellite you tap onto to look further. It is a nice app just to enjoy and know about the stars you see above. You can even : Point your device at the sky to identify galaxies, stars, constellations, planets, and satellites (including the ISS and Hubble) passing overhead at your location. It will detect and tell you about it.

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3.) Photomath – Camera Calculator

Not everyone is a born genius or even If they are, they need help quick. Math is a tough subject for some. Well, photo match inc thought for your needs and came up with this app. All you have to do is Simply point your camera toward a math problem and Photomath will magically show the result with a detailed step-by-step instructions. BINGO. You were done.

4.) Google Classroom

Such applications are so useful to make learning and managing your studies. Classroom helps teachers with saving time, keep classes organised and improve communication with students. It is available to anyone with Google Apps for Education. Moreover, Students can keep track of what’s due on the Assignments page and begin working with just a click. Teachers can quickly see who has or hasn’t completed the work, and provide direct, real-time feedback and marks from within Classroom.

5.) Duolingo : Learn language for free

Named the app of the year, the name of the app suggests it all. Duolingo with its interactive methods try to teach you Learn Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Irish, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, and English. Totally fun. Totally free. It’s totally fun, I suggest everyone get their hands onto this app. Learning an extra language isn’t bad for ya 😛 It’s an essential app and one of the best educational apps out there.

6.) Lumosity – Brain Training

It’s a well-developed app with allot of research done to it by neuroscientists. It has various challenges and puzzles which force you to brainstorm and enhance the power of your brain. It is really helpful and will improve your skills so much on every mental level. It has 25 + fun games or you may call them challenges with levels to it which force you to use each aspect of your brain. Also an essential app.

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7.) TED

TED is awesome which organisation truly gives you guidance and experiences which make u think. The TED has more than 1,700 TED Talks videos, and amazing presentations and revolutionary ideas from education radicals, tech geniuses, business gurus, musical legends. These talks personally are my favourite. From country to country, sharing knowledge, talent, experiences. It teaches you so much, rather gives u the glimpse of life so that it’s easier for you to discover.

8.) Khan Academy

Quality Education is expensive these days and there are organisations like Khan academy which provide more than 5,000, free downloadable videos, so you can learn on everything which you would in our school life. You’ll find all the subjects to learn from, you can even keep note down your learnings and see your progress over the time and etc.

9.) Wikipedia

It is hella famous site for all the information we copy and paste in our projects. Having all the information on our phone would be awesome right, so the app will be encyclopaedia’s catalogue of more than 33 million disputable articles, each of which is offered in more than 280 languages. You can quickly share articles on social networks like Twitter or save for offline use.

10.) Toca Kitchen 2

This app is more for your kids just like a game. The motive is that  kids start by choosing a colourful character to feed. When kids open the fridge to survey its savoury delights, characters will sometimes express their interest in different foods. This allows the kids to think about what food they have to make and they can use their imagination to create dishes to serve these characters. it’s very interactive and an educational fun game like application for kids.

There are many many apps in the category but to give you the perfect mix of top 10. These are the best educational apps for iPhone out there. let us know your views on this.

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