Top 8 Best YouTube Channels To Learn Ethical Hacking Online !

top youtube channels to learn hacking
top youtube channels to learn hacking

Best YouTube Channels To Learn Ethical Hacking – Computers have made Life of humans comfortable and easy. But with the computer comes the hacking. And because of Bad hackers out there, we need ethical hackers in the market. Ethical Hacking is in demand from quite few years. Private and Govt, both companies who want to make their sensitive data safe, needs an ethical hacker. So, Today I am going to talk about Best YouTube Channels To Learn Hacking. Lets have a look at them.

Top 8 Best YouTube Channels To Learn Ethical Hacking

top youtube channels to learn hacking
top youtube channels to learn hacking

YouTube is a good platform to learn new things and technology. When it comes to ethical hacking, You can find many sources on YouTube. But there are few on the top of the list. We’ll have a look at them in this section and know a brief introduction about them.

#1 Ethical Hacking Tutorial – Just Programming

One of the most famous Ethical Hacking tutorial – YouTube channel. You’ll learn about hacking various accounts, ethical hacking techniques, social engineering methods in hacking via their videos. This is quite a worthy source for learning.

#2 Vivek Ramachandran

A personal YouTube channel of Vivek Ramachandran is providing quite a good knowledge for the tech geeks, ethical hackers and newbies for free. The originality of this YouTube channel is resulted in over 8000 YouTube subscribers.

#3 Penetration Testing in Linux

Linux is an open source operating system platform, which provides an opportunity to learn and implement hacking in the practical scenarios. Penetration Testing in Linux Provides awesome video tutorials to learn ethical hacking from basic to advance level for free.

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#4 Hak 5

Hak 5 is another good and genuine ethical hacking learning source. You can simply log-on to youtube and you can access Hak 5’s Online free video tutorials for ethical hacking. All tutorials are sorted and arranged with proper playlists.

#5 Open SecurityTraining

Open SecurityTraining is another Genuine and free online video channel of YouTube. They also provide almost every tips and trick, you need to know for becoming a ethical hacker. They have got 15000+ subscribers on YouTube.

#6 Ethical Hacking Tutorial – TutorialBotss

The Name of the channel itself explains everything, about the purpose of its existence on YouTube. This channel provides almost everything you need to know about becoming a hacker. But unlike other channels, their main focus is on teaching ethical hacking.

#7 Thenewboston

Thenewboston is one of my favorite YouTube channel, to learn computer programming. But inside their tutorial they also carry a section to learn and implement ethical hacking via social engineering and Computer implementations. You should also give them a try.

#8 Black Hat

Black Hat, YouTube channel is another genuine source to learn ethical hacking via YouTube videos. Although, They are not that much famous on YouTube, with only 1000+ subscribers, yet. But The content quality they provide about learning hacking is tremendous. And soon, they’ll reach the heights they deserve. Check out their channel for more details.

And, You are just hacked! Naaa… I was just Kidding. You’ve reached the End of this Article. I’m sure, You’ve liked it alot. If you have some doubt or any query regarding this article. You are heartily welcome to leave a comment below in the comment field. I will try to help you within few hours. Thanks.