How to Stop or Uninstall Akamai NetSession Completely ? (Full Guide Explained)

How to Stop or Uninstall Akamai NetSession Completely ? (Full Guide Explained)
How to Stop or Uninstall Akamai NetSession Completely ? (Full Guide Explained)

Here is all about you want to know about Akamai NetSession and you can also read How to Stop or Uninstall Akamai NetSession Completely with step by step guide. You can Akamai netsession download, Akamai netsession client windows or know what uses akamai netsession client

Akamai NetSession So we are using more and more internet related services nowadays that we can neglect the security measures we take to protect our identity and make our internet browsing experience much better. As user security in the modern world cannot be neglected when it comes to internet communication, Akamai has come forward with its Cloud delivery services and its powerful CDN services. akamai netsession uninstall

When it comes to cloud delivery, Akamai net sessions is the most trustable terms you will often hear from computer experts. So what do Akamai net sessions do? Well, Akamai Net sessions have the capability to manage a large bandwidth of more than 100exabytes from its remote servers to several devices across its network. Furthermore, Akamai Netsession is a proved method to increase internet speed, increasing efficiency and readability for downloading and stream online content. akamai netsession download

Why is Akamai Net session Important for you?

How to Stop or Uninstall Akamai NetSession Completely ? (Full Guide Explained)
How to Stop or Uninstall Akamai NetSession Completely ? (Full Guide Explained)

As we discussed earlier that Akamai netsession is used to stream or download online content. However, the way it works is quite complex. It delivered you online content after you request it through your browser from respective software or several media publishers. Some of these media or content providers also give you the ability to sign up for their background delivering content. akamai netsession Autodesk

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So whenever you download or stream any online content, Akamai Netsession communicates with downloading or streaming source and requests more data and sometimes sends the message to the server that the data is received successfully without any interruptions. This is quite a complex task but Akamai Netsession client can be used as a shared network library and can be used by multiple clients at the same time.

Who made Akamai Netsession possible

Akamai Netsession client is a super secure program that can be installed on your system which will further improve internet speed and efficiency of your downloads and stream quality. This service has been adopted by many software and media publishers which gives the service to deliver documents or stream media content to you. However, Akamai Netsession client can take up some bandwidth to enable other users on the same network to download content through your pc on a secure connection. Akamai Netsession is a very lightweight program which doesn’t eat up much of your system’s resources while downloading or uploading data. akamai netsession Autodesk

How to Stop Akamai NetSession (temporary)?

Let’s say you’re using Akamai Netsession and your computer is getting quite slow as the client is uploading data to the other users who are connected to the same network. To solve this issue, you can disable the client temporarily instead of uninstalling it. The process is quite easy; you have to follow these simple steps given below.

1. First, you have to open control panel which you will find the start menu of your windows taskbar. You can use the preference app if you’re a MacOS user.

2. Now got to their preference tab.

3. Find the service section over there and click on the stop service button.

This will block Akamai Netsesion for any kind of bandwidth activity from your computer until the next restart. Please remember that we told you this is a temporary solution for those people who are looking to disable the client for some time because it is taking up their upload bandwidth.

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How to Completely uninstall the NetSession Client?

So, you’re tired up and irritated by the client because its either slowing down your system or taking up your internet bandwidth. You can either disable the client as we discussed above but if you want to remove the client completely, then you can follow these steps to uninstall it completely.

Steps to uninstall in Windows

  1. Open Control Panel from windows start menu and click on Uninstall a Program.
  2. Select the Akamai NetSession Interface
  3. Click uninstall; a popup will appear whether you want to uninstall or not. Simply tap on Yes.

Steps to Uninstall on MAC

  1. Open finder and Go tot he folder ~/Applications/Akamai/
  2. Simply delete the Akamai Folder/Files.

Check for the client’s Download Speed

You can also check the Client’s download speed and other bandwidth consumption data by following these steps.

For Windows installation:

1. Type “cmd” in windows search bar, Command prompt will appear in the search result. Right click on that and run it as administrator.

2. In Command Prompt type this command: 

dir > temp.txt

To confirm if the file with the name temp.txt exists, type this command:


Now Look for “temp.txt.”

If it exists, then you have the administrative permissions to write data in this directory

If not then you do not have permission, and you will need to talk with your system provider/administrator.

You can easily remove the temp file by typing this command:

del temp.txt

For MacOS installation:

Open terminal app. You can do so by going to utility folder inside the application folder.

At the command line type this command:

dir > temp.txt

To confirm the file temp.txt exists, type:


Now Look for “temp.txt.”

If it exists, then you have the administrative permissions to write data in this directory

If not then you do not have permission, and you will need to talk with your system provider/administrator.

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You can delete the temp file by typing:  

rm temp.txt

Akamai NetSession works on these platforms:

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8/8.1 (desktop mode)
  • Windows 10
  • Mac OS X 10.6+ (Intel).
  • Windows XP (SP3 32-bit, SP2 64-bit)
  • Windows Vista (SP2 32-bit and 64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2003 (SP2 32-bit and 64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2008 (SP2 32-bit and 64-bit)

Program details

Default installation folder: C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Akamai
Uninstaller directory: “C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Akamai\uninstall.exe”
Estimated size of complete installtion: 35.34 MB

Files installed by Akamai NetSession Interface

Program executable: netsession_win.exe
Name: Akamai NetSession Client
Signed by: Akamai Technologies
Path: C:\users\user\appdata\Local\Akamai\netsession_win.exe
Additional files which are installed by the client as well:
  • admintool.exe – Akamai NetSession Client Administration Tool
  • ControlPanel.exe – Client’s Control Panel
  • installer_no_upload_silent.exe – Client’s Installer
  • netsession_installer.exe
  • rswinui.exe – Akamai Client’s User Interface
  • uninstall.exe – Akamai NetSession Client Uninstaller

Behaviors exhibited by the client

Startup File 
  • netsession_win.exe is loaded in the current user (HKCU) registry as an auto-starting executable named ‘Akamai NetSession Interface’ and executes as “C:\users\user\appdata\Local\Akamai\netsession_win.exe.”
Windows Firewall Program
  • netsession_win.exe is added as a firewall exception for ‘C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Akamai\netsession_win.exe.’
Network connections
  • netsession_win.exe connects to (port 443).
  • netsession_win.exe connects to (port 443).
  • netsession_win.exe connects to (port 443).
  • netsession_win.exe connects to (port 443).