How to Gain Trust to make First Sale for E-commerce Websites ?

How to Gain Trust to make First Sale for E-commerce Websites. ?
How to Gain Trust to make First Sale for E-commerce Websites. ?

Starting an eCommerce business is not a simple task. When you have a lot of clients, you have a lot to worry about. You must answer the questions they have, solve the problems they encounter and provide assistance in general.

How to Gain Trust to make First Sale for E-commerce Websites. ?
How to Gain Trust to make First Sale for E-commerce Websites ?

But what if having too much on your plate is not your problem? What if you can’t make your first sale, no matter how low you set the price, how many goods you offer and how successful your marketing campaign is. Maybe trust is the component you’re missing.

Search Engine

Having a search bar on your main page not only helps your visitors find whatever they may be looking for, but also provides you with information about their interests. When people encounter problems they look for solutions, some of them will use your search engine. Analyze the queries to see what people were expecting from your website, what they found and what they didn’t find. The Decent search engine also makes your site look more credible as it shows that you’ve worked on it and that you care about your visitors.


First of all, setting up and running a blog is an important part of your marketing campaign. It’s a great way to communicate with your audience, offer tips on how to use your website or products that you sell. Remember that blog is not for talking about yourself and your offers only, find out what questions your audience has and try to answer them. You must find out what questions require answers and provide them. Enter the keywords related to the topic you want to cover into and pass to Search Questions section. You’ll see questions related to the keywords you chose, answer these questions on your blog to draw traffic and improve your ranking.

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Running a blog is an excellent way to target people who search for specific solutions to their problems even if they don’t plan to buy anything, it never hurts to increase the number of visitors.

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For example, if you own a store that sells car parts, offer tips on how to fix certain problems, what products will make a paint shine, how to choose winter tires and etc.


Video content has become a powerful tool. Marketers looking for the most simple and efficient means of communication with their target audiences give preference to this type of content.

Take a time and find resources to record a few videos where you can give advice about your products or services and simple, short reviews. Putting a face to your business is a great way to gain trust.

Customer reviews

Let your buyers leave feedback. Don’t be afraid of negative reviews, if they are targeted at the product you sell, you’ll know what products require alternatives, if negative reviews are targeted at your website – you’ll know what to improve. When people see a review from another customer on your site they at least can be sure that others are buying from you, bonus points if reviews are positive.

Social networks

Modern buyers are likely to do some research about your business. Set up accounts on the main social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. If you don’t want to spend hours managing all of your pages you can automate the process. Pick one social network that you will regularly update and make other profiles copy your major profile. You can also use IFTTT (If This Than That), a handy tool for managing social network profiles, you can create scripts that will dictate how your accounts should interact.

Once you set it up you’ll have a full control over your profiles and it will save you a lot of time. Use social networks to keep in touch with your audience and tell about your business.

Building trust is a never ending process.

Working on your reputation doesn’t stop when you start making sales. You’ll have to work hard if you want to gain trust and loyalty your new customers and a big part of that process is order fulfillment. Learn more about outsourcing at Always ask buyers to leave feedback and write reviews about your products. Don’t spam their emails, no one needs a daily update from a store, no matter how good it is. Don’t put products on sale, just so you have something to email about, plan your deals ahead, make them appealing and they will be noticed.  Care about your customers, and they will take care of your reputation.

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