How to Fix Page Fault in NonPaged Area in Windows 7, 8, 10 ?

How to Fix Page Fault in NonPaged Area in Windows 7, 8, 10 ?
How to Fix Page Fault in NonPaged Area in Windows 7, 8, 10 ?

page fault in nonpaged area error windows 7: If you have seen this error while working on your PC then most probably you are using windows 7. This error is quite common with windows and we can help you to solve this. SO if you were looking for possible solutions to page fault in nonpaged area error windows 7 then you are at the right place. Today we will discuss about this error and how to fix page fault in nonpaged area error windows 7. So let’s start.

It might have happened many times that you’re peacefully using windows and suddenly your screen goes blue. After that, you have no idea what happened and you can only see an error code which says – “page fault in nonpaged area error” on your monitor. Well, my friend, you are not the only one who is facing this problem. In fact, the first time I got this error, I was panicking that I thought I have broken my PC. Well, don’t worry, because we can easily fix this. Today in this very particular article we are going to discuss some methods by which we can fix page fault in nonpaged area error. So keep reading.

Ways to Fix Page Fault in NonPaged Area in Windows 10, 8, 7

Now, this error is quite common with windows and it has many solutions too. So today we are listing few of these solutions and we are sure that this will help you too. So without any further delay, let’s begin.

Adjust Paging File

If you’re facing this error for the first time that the reason behind this might be the paging file. So we are going to tell you a simple trick that will help you fix this error. Down below are the steps which you need to follow to adjust paging file.

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1. Press Windows + R at the same time to open Run dialog box.

2. Type “Control Panel” in the text field and then press on OK button.

3. After that, press on the System Option which is present there. Then simply click on “Advanced System Settings” option.

4. On the next page, you have to click on settings which are there under the performance tab.

5. Now click on the advanced tab and then click on change button which you will find near the virtual memory option.

6. On the next page, uncheck the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives box and select “No Paging File” option. Then after that, click on Ok button and restart your PC.

Check Disk

Sometimes this error occurs because your hard drive fails to read or write data. Now we should change or upgrade our hard drives after few years. However we don’t do so often, don’t we? But don’t worry, we can solve this by using Check Disk manager. If yure not familiar with this, then don’t worry, just follow the steps given below.

1. Click on search window in windows taskbar and search for the keyword CMD in it.

2. Once you see it, right click on it and select “Run as Administrator” option.

3. After that, a new command prompt window will open up on your screen. Types “chkdsk/f” command into it.

4. If you see a message appearing on your screen saying that the driver is unlocked and would you like to schedule a chkdsk on the next restart, then press the Y button for yes.

5. Now restart your computer and wait until chkdsk completes its task. It might take a couple of minutes depending on the read/write speed of your drive.

Uninstall Your Anti-virus Software

This thought might not cross your mind but this can be doing of your antivirus too. Sometimes Antivirus crashes a hard drive which shows “page fault in nonpaged area error” on your monitor. But don’t worry because you can fix it by uninstalling it completely.

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1. Right-click on the icon of the Anti-virus and then select delete from the drop-down menu.

2. Confirm to delete the program and then restart your computer.

Bad Driver

If you recently updated your driver then this might be the root of all problems. You see drivers are an important part of our computer which connects hardware and software together. So we recommend you to install the latest driver from your manufacturer.

So, guys, these were the best solutions to “page fault in nonpaged area error windows 7” issue. If you’re still facing any problem then comment down below. I will be happy to help you out. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.