How to Delete Multiple contacts at Once in iPhone ? Delete All Contacts at Once

How to Delete Multiple contacts at Once in iPhone

Delete multiple contacts at once in iPhone : iOS 10 brought about many different changes and it has only got better for the good. One particular App which still for me is considered not touched by Apple over the years is the Contacts App. It does have a iOS 10 look to it and it does let you do allot more especially with the integration of other third party apps BUT there isn’t any extra noticeable feature and still not being able to multiple contacts at once  can be annoying as hell. Most of us may have tried to play around with contacts app but well no point of trying because You cannot delete multiple contacts at once. You can Delete Multiple contacts at Once in iPhone.

I honestly don’t understand what takes them so long to make changes in the contacts app. Most of us may have tried to play around with contacts app but well no point of trying because You cannot delete multiple contacts at once. You can delete all of them at once but can’t selectively delete. I don’t know how that is logical but yea you have to delete each contact one by one. After we guide you on How to delete multiple contacts at once iPhone You should now be free in your mind that you got rid of all the useless contacts you may have added in time or be it any other reason. Better than going one by one to delete them when you can do it at one go.

How to Delete Multiple or All Contacts on iPhone iPad At Once ?

You know, you can’t delete multiple or all contacts from iPhone iPad at once directly. To make it, you have to use some third-party software that offers you an easy and fast way to delete contacts on iPhone. iMobie AnyTrans is the tool like this.

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Steps to Delete multiple contacts at once in iPhone:

This method which we will show you requires a third party application to delete multiple or all contacts at once. So you do need an apple id as to download the application and for sure need to follow the steps as written to do it smoothly. You surely can Multi delete contacts after you read this guide but You will be able to enjoy the Bonus features, such as:

  • Backup and restore contacts
  • Find no name contacts
  • Find no phone contacts
  • Find no email contacts
  • Find no address contacts
  • Find common fields, like company, email domain, job title and phone numbers

Let’s get started:

Step 1: Open AppStore and Search for “Delete Contacts +

Step 2: Download and Install the Application. It should appear on your home screen.

Step 3: Open the App, A pop up will appear asking you Allow the app to access your contacts.

  • Tap Allow to give the App access to your contacts, otherwise, it won’t work.

Step 4: When the App Opens, Select All Contacts

  • You will see a list of all your contacts

Step 5: Mark  Select all the contacts names you wish to delete (Refer The pic) [The Names have been Blurred]How to Delete Multiple contacts at Once in iPhone ?

Step 6: You will see a Delete option below, Tap it. Confirm it and its DONE !

Now you can check your contacts app and you should find them gone with such an ease.

From the Editors Desk:

so that is how you delete multiple contacts at once in iPhone with a simple third party app. It is not really a pro thing but hey we all do need this feature. Imagine how long it would take you to delete unwanted people contact one by one. Hope you found it useful, share it with your friends. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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