Top 10 Best Android Apps For Kids to Learn Technology !

Best Android Apps For Kids
Best Android Apps For Kids

Best Android Apps For Kids – As Android is one of the easiest Operating systems to learn. This may be the reason that, these days – New Born are also trying to try their hands on your smartphone. Kids are often quick in learning new things and gadgets. So, they keep on doing something new whenever they get hands on smartphone devices. So, It is important that you as a parent, keep their needs in mind. Thus, Today I am going to talk about Top 10 best android apps for kids. Let have a look at them.

Top 10 Best Android Apps For Kids:

Best Android Apps For Kids

Kids can learn more about the new features and be learning the Android OS itself using some freely available tools from the play store. You can have a look at the list of well-researched applications based on the popularity and user reviews about the application on the play store.

Although, there are many good and worthy applications out there at Google Play Store. But There are some applications at the top of the list. We’ll have a look at them in this section and know a brief introduction about them.

#1 Amazon Kindle

Amazon kindle is a great source for the online reading material. It can provide a lot of fairy tales, stories, Novels and much more for the hours of reading. This is the application, which you need to keep in your device for generating a good habit of reading in your kids. Reading makes them learn more and new things around the world. The application is available free at Google Play Store.

#2 Endless Alphabet

Endless Alphabet is another beautiful creation in the android world. It helps your kid in learning the English Alphabets easily. They’ll learn about the shapes of characters along with the sounds related to them in the ABC. The first seven words puzzle is free, while for further learning – you need to buy this amazing application. The simple user interface makes you fall in love with this app.

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#3 Duck Duck Moose Reading

Duck Duck Moose Reading is an amazing application for enhancing the reading and learning ability of your kids. The Application is similar to amazon kindle, but the enhanced User interface makes it more reliable. You can choose between various available content, Download the free online material. This application can hep you in enjoying the long travels or rainy days.

#4 Animals for Kids

Animals for kids is another teaching and learning based application. It contains a lot of animal details and images along with verbal pronunciation of their names. So that, The child can easily resemble the sound with the image. It will enhance the learning ability of your kid. It also contains the sounds of the voices, the animal makes. Thus making this application more trustworthy and useful for the parents.

#5 Duolingo

Duolingo is another amazing android application for kids. It was the most popular and best application in the year it was launched. The reason can be easily understood by the functionalities provided by the application. The application teaches people about learning any New language. The method they used in the app is extraordinary. The user needs to keep on playing the mini-games until they complete the understanding of the current topic in the new language.

#6 First Words for Baby

First Words for baby is simple, but effective android application. It helps in teaching your child about words. The application seems fit for the children ages from one to six. You can also learn many words in various languages. There are more than 20+ languages are available int the app.

#7 PBS Kids Video

PBS is one of the best and most known kids content provider out there in the market. Their speciality in kids has made them produce a good and attractive Kids application. You can find a number of kids TV shows, puzzles, stories etc. The video streaming is reasonably ok on the 2G networks too. So, Its the time to leave your kid and this application alone.

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#8 Kids Doodle

Kids Doodle is a drawing and colouring application that is the favourite activity of kids. The application contains a lot of colours, High-quality canvas, Right brushes, Tools for the proper sketching experience. Children can draw and colour whatever they want, save it for later display. Another beautiful application for your kids.

#9 Intellijoy

Intellijoy is a developer studio, specialised in kids applications. They provide many applications related to kids improvement regarding readings, poems, visual, verbal, stories, puzzles, music, preschool etc. So, indirectly it is the kindergarten in your device. just one tap on the app icon, and you can teach various things to your kid.

#10 YouTube Kids

YouTube is a great platform to learn anything. Similarly, this YouTube kids application is a great way to teach your child good teachings. The kids related content on the YouTube is differentiated by the algorithm of this application. Thus, Your kid will easily learn basics of things he’s looking for on YouTube. The application removes any adult content on YouTube, harass content from the search result, to make better understanding and experience of application.

Happy Parenting! That’s all we got here. I hope that you’ll like this Article about Top 10 Best Android Apps For Kids to Learn Technology !. Any Doubts or queries are heartily welcome. I’ll love to answer them. Just ask them in the comment field below. Thanks for your time.